A photo session for your babies in Dubai
A photo session for your babies in Dubai: one day from the childhood
Babies photos play an important role in the family album. The first smile, first steps, games, friends… A baby’s photo is the part of his personal life and the history of the whole family. A professional photo session for children in Dubai will be one of the brightest pages of your family photo archive! A professional photographer from Dubai, Galina Plevako knows how to do it unforgettable. The examples of my works you can see visiting the web-site http://plevakogalina.com/gallery/1.
“Every photographer knows that children photo session and especially babies photo session is one of the hardest job! And to have a suitable photo session a photographer should have great experience. A baby is the most capricious and willful client of the photographer! A cbaby can easily recognize your insincerity, affectedness, it’s difficult to negotiate with him… And, of course we mustn’t make a baby to play a certain role, because he is at the same time a talented and ingenuous actor and director! To prepare a baby for a photo session in Dubai, I would recommend to follow some rules that have been proved in practice of many professional photographers
A first photo session of your baby: The rules and recommendations.
The rule №1. A game, a game and a game! To hold a child’s photo session in Dubai successfully it is necessary to think over how to organize the whole process as a game. A baby can be confused by the new atmosphere or a stranger, the fuss, changing of clothes… That’s why it’s better to show him the photos from the family album in advance and to suggest him playing a photo session game. And if there is favourite toys, pets, carnival costumes which will be used during the photo session you can win the necessary trust and attention of a baby to the process.
The rule № 2. “Today will be a holiday…”. Baby’s good mood for a photo session in Dubai as for adult’s one is the most important factor! To create good mood for the main character of the photo session you can fix a photo session for some significant day, for example, a birthday day, child’s holiday, combining it with a trip to a circus or a zoo.
The rule № 3. Maximum of naturalness! This is especially important thing, when the matter is the photo session for babies in Dubai. A lot of parents take a great interest in the process – they choose unimaginable costumes, think over the make-up, a topic of future photos and that’s why they forget about the one important thing – to give a child an opportunity to show his worth! To show his character, unique appearance, spontaneity… You shouldn’t dress up your baby as a tiger or an apple for a great child’s photo session and you shouldn’t adjust it to famous topics which you saw in the internet! You should just trust in the photographer and make everything to permit your baby to show his worth.
The rule №4. Image and transformation. If you want very much to have a child’s stylized photo session in Dubai so it’s better to choose a studio photo session. Because it’s easier to organize the process of transformation into the fairy tale character at the studio. Appropriate costumes, accessories, toys will help in creation of the image. Parents are recommended to get the feel of different roles to make the photos harmonious. The staged photo session for a child in Dubai can be a real theatre play.
The rule № 5. The best places for a children photo session in Dubai. There a number of places in the United Arab Emirates where we can hold a first photo session with a child in a proper manner and merrily. Children parks, beaches, city parks, play stations… If a baby is shy and usually he can’t relax in the street, it’s better to hold the first photo session at home. A studio photo session often suits for taking family photos, young models portfolio, but it must be admitted that children photos at the studio are in a disadvantage in comparison with the photos in the nature.
Preparing a baby for a photo session in Dubai: some pieces of advice for parents
Which things you shouldn’t do before the forthcoming photo session of a child?
- To give a hearty meal;
- To hold a rehearsal with changing clothes, make-up and so on;
- To drag out the photo session more than for 1- 1,5 hours;
- Insist on having a photo session if a baby is out of spirits and doesn’t want to take photos.
Don’t forget to prepare the most basic and such important things for a photo session as nappies (for babies), a comb, a bottle of water, toys for a photo session. http://plevakogalina.com/node/38
The first photo session of a child which was in Dubai will be the brightest impression from the childhood for your dear baby. No matter how many years will pass – 5, 15, 30… Your baby’s eyes will never be so pure and sincere as now! There won’t be such a famous smile on 2 dairy tooth! A professional photo is the best opportunity to stop the time and to leave the greatest memory about the childhood!